5 best things to do before you go to bed

5 best things to do before you go to bed

5 best things to do before you go to bed

Studies have shown that sleep is directly related to life. Average nighttime sleep less than 4 hours, 80% is short-lived. So sleep quality is particularly important. And most of us, often encounter insomnia situation. In fact, if want to sleep well, you can do some preparation before going to bed. A few small tricks, insist on doing every day before going to bed, discharge body toxins, clean up the body of garbage, make you sleep better.

1.Combing your hair before going to sleep: adjust the body meridian

Chinese medicine theory that the head of the brain homes is the body of the “smart house”. It is connected to the body meridians. Appropriate to stimulate the head acupuncture points, it will be conducive to improving the brain function, regulate the body meridians, to achieve the purpose of disease prevention and health.

Suffering from high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, neurasthenia of the patient, should  keep to comb  hair. Through the comb to stimulate the head acupuncture points .You can flat liver wind, resuscitation rather God. The disease play a role in adjuvant therapy.

You can use comb, but also directly with the fingers instead of comb hair. Five fingers into the comb, his hands from the amount of hair,  from the beginning of the hair, from the front to the hair after the hair ,to the neck after the hair, side comb rub the scalp. The action slow and soft, each time about 10 minutes.

2.Stretching yourself before going to sleep : tendons an inch, life extension of ten years

“Often stretched waist is the old discipline, fatigue and nourishing the heart.” From the perspective of Chinese medicine, the so-called “tendons an inch, life extension of ten years”. The appropriate stretch the body, such as doing lazy waist movements. It will help to clear the meridians, promote blood running, adjust the balance of the viscera. It is a good self-care method.

Stretch the waist when the body try to stretch. Limbs to straighten, the whole body muscles should be forced. Stretch, try to inhale. Relax, the whole body muscles to relax down. Try to exhale, so the effect of exercise will be better.

3.Push belly before going to bed : appetizers and spleen, good for kidney and heart nourishing

Push the abdomen is through a simple way to clean the meridian garbage . So as to achieve Shugan qi, appetizers and spleen, kidney and heart nourishing purpose, which is very useful for the effect of emotional illness. In addition push the belly can fresh blood to the abdomen and lower body . Meridian pass, but also achieve the effect of lipid-lowering diet.

It is best to lie in bed, first with both hands fist (can also with the palm), from the center of the chest to the navel below the push.  Do not reverse. The intensity of the process to moderate, and at the same time feel the same abdomen . So push 10-20 times, there is a hard place to push ,  there is likely to have fat extrusion.

4.Foot bath before going to bed: recover from fatigue and help sleep

Foot is the body from the heart of the farthest part of the blood reflux, especially the lower body of a great impact. Before going to bed with hot water bubble feet, both recover from fatigue, but also conducive to sleep. Hot water feet can improve local blood circulation, get rid of cold, promote metabolism.

The best water temperature of the foot bath below 50 ℃ .Best time is in 15-20 minutes. Too long will cause cardiovascular overload. Should not foot bath within half an hour after a meal .It will affect the supply of blood in the stomach. Long time will make people malnourished and can not immediately sleep. Taking advantage of the feet when the rubbing the soles of the feet. Wear socks warm in time, until the body heat slowly lower and then sleep .It is the best .

5.Drink a glass of water before going to bed: thrombosis, protect the heart

To develop the habit of drinking water before going to bed .It can reduce blood viscosity, maintain blood flow, to a certain extent, to prevent the formation of cerebral thrombosis. In addition, we sleep when the body due to sweating water loss, resulting in reduced blood moisture. Blood viscosity will become very high. But if you drink a glass of water before going to bed, can reduce the blood viscosity, reduce the risk of heart attack.

Even your are not thirsty before going to bed , it is also best to drink a small glass of water, it  will be better it is boiled water. Recommended cardiovascular patients in the bed to put a glass of water .Wake up at night can also sip a mouthful. For people with diabetes, to maintain a certain amount of water is also conducive to control blood sugar.


2019-08-07T01:50:55+00:00July 25th, 0209|Categories: News|0 Comments

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